Scilly Bookmark

bookmarkThis bookmark was created as a promotional piece for Life in Scilly, a story I’ve written about a young girl during WWII sent to live on the island of Scilly to escape bombing in London.

Bad Art Logo

badart_logoArt is so subjective; some prefer Abstract where others find beauty in Post-Impressionism. Whatever your particular taste we can all agree that bad art does exist, so why not celebrate it? This Bad Art Logo was created to be all inclusive and help bring a comical spin on the whole bad art world.

Bertie’s Buttons Logo

berties_logolgWhat could be more fitting for a Button Shop logo than a button itself? This great little button did the trick and gave Bertie’s a memorable logo to share with the world.

Poppy’s Perfumerie


Poppy wanted a logo to play off her name and one that felt feminine and appropriate for a perfumerie.

Barking Mad Logo








Barking Mad Web Collective was born due to the fact it was the name I kept coming back to. Graphically I saw so many possibilities that I was hooked! Wanting something playful and kitschy I started with the idea of a dog in the logo. And once I did further exploration into potential font choices it helped to further refine the image to accompany it. How true it is that sometimes your best ideas are born with the least amount of effort! The tagline I created, “Complex Creativity Mixed with a little Crazy” was a late night addition that fit perfectly even after the sun came up. Not often am I so fortunate as that but it’s great when it does happen that way.


These are various version of the logo created for different purposes such as a facebook header, twitter favicon, or business card usage.





Bitter Pill


Bitter Pill is a digital illustration based on an article about the rise of the drug companies and the constant feed of information that makes us believe it is normal to need a pill for everything. And just why do so many pills look like candy anyway?

Postal Chart

Postal Comparison Chart

This information graphic was produced to illustrate the dramatic shift in usage of the US Postal Service when compared to email use.


postcardFor this project I combine a number of my interests to create a self-portrait of sorts. Using family photos of my Grandmother and her family way back to my Great Great Grandmother, I mixed in my dream location of this 1860’s brick schoolhouse and some of the buttons from my collection to accomplish a product which satisfies this set goal..